
An artistic collection application.

Created by our team, David Lam, Justin Davis, Michael Ney, Zach Overhulser and Patrick Steveson. Team led by Kyle Kauzlarich.

Get to know us!

David Lam

Front End Developer

"I do photography as a hobby. Building a website for other photographers to upload their works is like my dream job."

  • Github
  • Picture of David

    Justin Davis

    Front End Developer

    "I love machines but I love animals more. Design and development are two sides of the same coin I aim to flip."

  • Github
  • Picture of Justin

    Michael Ney

    Back End Developer

    "Full Stack Test Driven Development is my favorite approach to creating unique, and quality web applications. Also, I have a cat."

  • Github
  • Picture of Michael

    Zach Overhulser

    UI Developer

    "I consider myself to be a Digital Nomad. One who possesses the mind of a Socratic Wonderer and the passion of an Electric Adventurer."

  • Github
  • Picture of Zach

    Patrick Steveson

    UI Developer

    "Once a financial services representative now turned programmer, with a passion for color and animation. Mildly obsessed with my dog."

  • Github
  • Patrick and his Dog

    Kyle Kauzlarich

    Team Leader

    "The eye in the sky who made sure that we did not blow up everything, The Keeper of Answers, Solver of Problems, and Destroyer of Merge Conflicts."

  • Github
  • Picture of Kyle

    Our team is a collection of Lambdaschool students, we appreciate our users taking the time to learn about us.
    We would like to invite you to reach out to us on our personal github pages found on our sections.

    Have a fantastic day.